Author Registration
Thank you for joining us in Deadwood in 2019! Just like in 2017 and 2018, we have planned many fun and adventurous outings for the weekend, and we hope you’ll be with us right from the start on Thursday morning. The link to use to book your hotel room at our amazing room rate is available below.
For 2019, we’ve again reserved the amazing 13,000 square foot Deadwood Mountain Grand Event Center for the Book Fair. This year, everyone loved the hotel, guest rooms, casino, restaurants, bars, and especially the Event Center where the Book Fair, Breakfast With the Authors, and the Meet-and-Greet took place. In 2019, we’ll be doing all those events again, and are adding more events right in our hotel!
We have three table options for you for the Book Fair on Saturday:
PREMIUM LOCATION! A full 8 foot table which includes linen and two chairs for just $150. You may have either an Assistant or a Cover Model sit with you at the table.
A full 6 foot table which includes linen and two chairs for just $125. You may have either an Assistant or a Cover Model sit with you at the table.
A half of an 8 foot table with linens and one chair. You’ll be sharing the table with another Author, and will not be able to have an Assistant at the table with you. This budget-friendly option is only $75.
Tables will be assigned according to the order of author registrations. Your registration is non-refundable, sorry.
With any table registration, you’ll receive a specially-colored neck wallet with a name tag that will boldly identify you as an Author. You’ll also receive FREE advertising in the full-color Memory Book that will be given at no-charge to readers. This was a great favorite of readers and authors alike. We’ll contact you for the Memory Book information early next year.
Here’s the draft 2019 seating map. We’ve left lots of space so we can give you plenty of room between tables, and even room for stand-up banners. Notice we’ve place a barrier (a low one) between the Book Fair tables and the Breakfast tables. Readers will enter at the area by the tables at the bottom right.

Make Your Reservation at our Hotel
You’ll want to stay right where all the action is at the top of the town where the view of Deadwood is unsurpassed. A quick walk to everything in town, the Deadwood Mountain Grand is the premium hotel of the area. It’s new, spacious, and has fabulous amenities like a smoke-free casino, a spa, two restaurants, a bar with live music, free parking in the ramp, a gift shop, amazing outdoor decks with scenic views, and best of all, that’s where most of the extra-events happen or the buses and shuttles pick you up to go to the events. You’ll be in the company of authors, readers, vendors, cover models, and volunteers all ready to make new friends.
Click on the button to go to the Hotel page to get your room booked so you can rest easy that you’ve got a beautiful place to rest, reinvigorate, and party!