Meet our Authors – Ginger Ring

Meet our Authors – Ginger Ring

Author takeover for March 28th will be Ginger Ring. Please join the Wild Deadwood Reads reader group here to join in the fun. Ginger Ring is an eclectic, hat-loving Midwestern girl with a weakness for cheese, dark chocolate, and the Green Bay Packers. She loves...
Meet our Authors – R Weir

Meet our Authors – R Weir

Author takeover for March 27th will be R. Weir. Please join the Wild Deadwood Reads reader group here to join in the fun. I live in the Mile High city with my wife, daughter and dog, where the Rocky Mountain High isn’t always achieved with an herbal substance. When...
Meet our Authors – Angi Morgan

Meet our Authors – Angi Morgan

Author takeover for March 26th will be Angi Morgan. Please join the Wild Deadwood Reads reader group here to join in the fun. ANGI MORGAN combines Texas settings with characters in realistic and dangerous situations. Bodyguards in Heels is a mash-up of her favorite...
Meet our Authors – K. Hanson

Meet our Authors – K. Hanson

Author takeover for March 23rd and 24th will be K. Hanson . Please join the Wild Deadwood Reads reader group here to join in the fun. K Hanson lives in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where he works as a software developer. In his spare time, when he isn’t writing, he...
Meet our Authors – TM Witko

Meet our Authors – TM Witko

Author takeover for March 21th will be TM Witko. Please join the Wild Deadwood Reads reader group here to join in the fun. Tawa M. Witko is a licensed clinical psychologist, a full-time writer/editor and one of the co-founders of Winyan Press, LLC, an independent...
Meet our Authors – Maureen O. Betita

Meet our Authors – Maureen O. Betita

Author takeover for March 19th and 20th will be Maureen O. Betita. Please join the Wild Deadwood Reads reader group here to join in the fun. Maureen is a writer living on the central coast of California, specifically the wondrous Monterey Bay. Her specialty is...