Author takeover for March 6th will be Jan Drexler.

Please join the Wild Deadwood Reads reader group here to join in the fun.

Jan’s husband of thirty years often says she’s never happier than when she’s in the kitchen cooking for someone, and he’s right. With her Amish and Mennonite ancestry, mid-American roots and unending quest to be a stay-at-home wife and mother, Jan has always enjoyed cooking from scratch and sharing the subsequent goodies with friends and family.

Jan and her family have lived all through the mid-west, from Indiana to Texas to Kentucky to South Dakota, with a few others in between. Born in Michigan, Jan still proudly carries her pocket map of Michigan on the end of her arm, like all true Michiganders, and will gladly give you a tour of her home state. But her current love is the Black Hills of South Dakota, where she can be found hiking the Hills in all kinds of weather and regularly visiting the “boys” at Mt. Rushmore.

Having recently graduated from Homeschool Mom-hood (Summa cum Laude!), Jan devotes her time to the voices in her head who have been clamoring for attention during the last few decades. Instead of declining Latin nouns and reviewing rhetorical devices, her days are now spent at the computer where she gives her characters free rein.

Visit Jan at or on Facebook at

You can find Jan’s books on Amazon.