Author takeover for May 11th will be Laura Hawks.

Please join the Wild Deadwood Reads reader group here to join in the fun.

Ms. Hawks has always been interested in writing in some form or other, including writing for a local newspaper. Deciding to become more knowledgeable, she headed back to school and received her Master’s Degree in Ancient Civilizations, Native American History and United States History.

It was at this time she got involved in role playing on FaceBook, which gave her ample opportunities to grow and hone her writing ability.

She lives in the suburbs of Chicago with her three companions, all males… cats. She travels as much as she can to various Author/Reader conventions and loves to meet established fans and make new ones, some of which she considers friends more than fans. Check out her social media sites to follow her.

Twitter: AuthorLHawks
FB Author page
FB Fan Group: Hawks Flock:

You can find Laura’s books on Amazon.