Author takeover for February 17th will be N. Jade Gray.

Please join the Wild Deadwood Reads reader group here to join in the fun.

N. Jade Gray grew up on a farm in Oklahoma with one sister and three brothers.

She met her husband, Nathan, while attending college and has two grown sons, Blake and Mason. Not really knowing what she wanted to do when she grew up she’s held various jobs in accounting positions and as a legal assistant.

She has enjoyed reading and writing since high school. She’s a former member of Romance Writers of America and Low Country Romance Writer’s. She is currently a member of the Wichita Area Regional Author’s group.

Although she grew up in Oklahoma, she has always loved hiking and visiting Colorado. Her debut novel, All for the Love of a Cowboy, is set in the Durango, Colorado area in the 1890’s. Her book was published by Wild Rose Press and can be found and purchased as a book or ebook on the publisher’s website, and also available on Amazon,

Her website is:,
You can connect with her on facebook:
Or on Twitter: @njadegray1