Author takeover for February 18th will be Tawa Witko.

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Tawa M. Witko is a licensed clinical psychologist, a full-time writer/editor and one of the co-founders of Winyan Press, LLC, an independent publishing house geared at helping female writers find their voice. When she first started writing she thought that she had to pick one particular style and write just in that style but then she met several writers that were considered multi-genre authors and realized that she could do all the things she enjoyed as well. She considers herself a multi-genre author who writes Young Adult and New Adult Fiction, Crime/Suspense/Thrillers, Adult Romance and Native American Fiction.

While she found a calling in Psychology, her passion has always been writing. Her first novel, Thirty Eight, which she co-wrote with her daughter, is a coming of age story utilizing the backdrop of the Dakota 38 + 2 Memorial ride. She is currently finishing her Adult Romance series, The Helios Chronicles and has several other stories in the works including a Crime/Suspense series called The Talionic Files and a Young Adult series called The Diakrisis Tales.

She is also the principal editor for author Mindy Marin and Reese Stephens. She currently lives and works on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation.

You can find Tawa’s book on Amazon.