Author takeover for March 29th will be Terri Osburn.

Please join the Wild Deadwood Reads reader group here to join in the fun.

Author of the Amazon and Wall Street Journal bestselling Anchor Island Series, Terri Osburn started putting words on the page in 2007. Five years later she was named a finalist in the Romance Writers of America Golden Heart contest for unpublished manuscripts. That led to signing with an agent in June of 2012, and the publication of her debut novel, Meant To Be, with Montlake Romance in May 2013. Since then Terri has gone on to sell more than a million books worldwide, and her work has been translated into German, Turkish, Italian, Spanish, and French. Ms. Osburn resides in middle Tennessee with her college-student daughter, four frisky felines, and two troublesome terriers. When she isn’t writing, she’s either traveling the world to meet new readers, or taking on a home improvement project to justify the purchase of all the power tools now filling her garage.

To learn more about Terri, check out her website at

You can find Terri’s books on Amazon.