Author takeover for May 14th will be Zina Abbott.

Please join the Wild Deadwood Reads reader group here to join in the fun.

ZINA ABBOTT is the pen name used by Robyn Echols for her historical novels.

Except for the first year of her life, Robyn has lived in California. She started her young life in San Diego and has had gradually moved northward. She has been writing since she was in junior high school.

The author currently lives with her husband in California near the “Gateway to Yosemite.” She is a member of Women Writing the West, American Night Writers Association, and Modesto Writers Meet Up. She currently lives with her husband in California near the “Gateway to Yosemite.” She enjoys any kind of history including family history. When she is not piecing together novel plots, she pieces together quilt blocks.

Find out more about Zina at

You can find Zina’s book on Amazon.