Please stop on over to our Facebook reader group on January 26th and say “Hi!” to June. She will be our guest host and will be posting and chatting all day. If you are not a member yet, you can join here.

Wife, Mother, Writer, Lunatic. Not necessarily in that order. June Kramin is the author of 15 novels ranging from time travel romance to romantic suspense (with more on the way!) Her women are always strong, feisty potty mouths, but their men love them anyway. “Write what you know!” June, who prefers to go by Bug, was born in Philadelphia but moved to Maui, Hawaii when she was four. Maui made for a great “backdrop” for a few of her novels. She met her “Prince Charming” on Kauai and is currently living “Happily Ever After” in a small town in Minnesota. She also writes a middle grade fantasy series under the pen name Ann T Bugg. Her son and daughter are her greatest accomplishments. She takes pride in embarrassing them every chance she gets. “There is a fine line between genius and crazy… I like to use that line as a jump rope!” ~ June

Connect with June here –

