About Victoria Saccenti

Victoria Saccenti picked up pencil and paper the moment her childhood book heroes started conversing with her. Sounds a little crazy, but there’s no rhyme or reason for inspiration. Back then, she wrote one-act plays and short fairy tales for simple amusement. Today–many…many moons later–her playful stories have grown into family sagas and retro and contemporary romances with an edge. She hit the Amazon Best Selling list with her novel Destiny’s Choice, Book two of the Destiny Series. An avid people watcher, she explores in her novels the twists and turns of human interaction, the many facets of love, and all possible happy endings.
Victoria lived overseas and traveled the world for thirty years, and she brings that experience and sense of adventure to her stories. She enjoys taking her reader on a private journey from America to Europe to Southeast Asia and back around.
Central Florida is home. She splits her busy schedule between family and her active muse at Essence Publishing. But if she could convince her husband to sell their home, she would pack up her computer and move to Scotland, a land she adores.
You can find Victoria’s books here on Amazon.