Where has the summer gone? As a kid I remember my grandparents saying how quickly the time passes as you get older and it really does. It seems like just last week, we were walking the historic streets of Deadwood and it’s been two months already.

Deadwood is one of my favorite places in the world. It has tons of history. If those hills could talk, what wild and wicked tales they would tell! There is beautiful scenery, unique sights, great shopping, and just a ghost or two to keep things interesting.  Wild Deadwood Reads was a wonderful chance to get together with old friends and make new ones.  I enjoyed riding the 1880’s train, looking for ghosts, shopping in the locals stores, searching for long lost relatives in the local cemeteries, and having an old time photo taken. When I tasted my first Chubby Chipmunk truffle, I thought I had died and gone to chocolate heaven. My book collection got bigger also as I came home with more fascinating books to read from the book signing.


What a great group of authors we had at our first Wild Deadwood Reads and next year looks to be just as amazing.  We have been introducing them in our Facebook reader group and on our new website. Isn’t it pretty?!  What was your favorite part of our first event and what are you hoping to do on your next trip to WDR?