Meet our Authors countdown/ A.C.Wilson

Meet our Authors countdown/ A.C.Wilson

A.C. Wilson is the author of the contemporary western romance group, the Black Hills Series and the young adult contemporary romance, the Levi & Taryn Series. As an author, A.C. Wilson wanted to connect readers to their roots and the virtues that hold those roots...

Meet Our Authors/Kirby Paul Anderson

Good Morning, It took some time to think about a description of my book.  In the spirit of Wild Deadwood Reads, the book is an epic love story. A very young man with raw empathic abilities, confronted with true evil, rejected God and all that dwell on the other side,...

Meet our Authors/Brooke May

Born and raised in Northern Wyoming. Brooke spent a great deal of her childhood and even well into her adulthood in her imagination and creating different stories. With an overactive imagination life has been truly entertaining. A mother of two wild and reckless boys...

Meet our Authors/Dennis Koller

San Francisco Bay Area author Dennis Koller ( has published three novels and is currently hard at work on his fourth. His protagonist is Tom McGuire, a former POW in Vietnam and now world-weary SFPD homicide inspector. Koller became a full-time...

Wild Deadwood Reads Is More Than Just Books!

Where else can you take an 1880s Train Ride through the Black Hills… Attend a PRC Rodeo in Deadwood… See Mount Rushmore… See a Ghost (and get your fill of amazing appetizers!) …and see more ghosts in an historic cemetery… Head out on a...