Meet Our Authors/Kirby Paul Anderson

Good Morning, It took some time to think about a description of my book.  In the spirit of Wild Deadwood Reads, the book is an epic love story. A very young man with raw empathic abilities, confronted with true evil, rejected God and all that dwell on the other side,...

Meet our Authors/Brooke May

Born and raised in Northern Wyoming. Brooke spent a great deal of her childhood and even well into her adulthood in her imagination and creating different stories. With an overactive imagination life has been truly entertaining. A mother of two wild and reckless boys...

Meet our Authors/Dennis Koller

San Francisco Bay Area author Dennis Koller ( has published three novels and is currently hard at work on his fourth. His protagonist is Tom McGuire, a former POW in Vietnam and now world-weary SFPD homicide inspector. Koller became a full-time...

Wild Deadwood Reads Is More Than Just Books!

Where else can you take an 1880s Train Ride through the Black Hills… Attend a PRC Rodeo in Deadwood… See Mount Rushmore… See a Ghost (and get your fill of amazing appetizers!) …and see more ghosts in an historic cemetery… Head out on a...

Meet our Authors/Amanda McIntyre

Amanda McIntyre’s passion is telling character-driven stories with a penchant for placing ordinary people placed in extraordinary situations. A bestselling author, her work is published internationally in print, E-book, and audio. She writes sizzling contemporary and...

Meet our Authors/Lizbeth Selvig

My current series is “Seven Brides for Seven Cowboys.” The first three books “The Bride Wore Denim,” “The Bride Wore Red Boots,” and “The Bride Wore Starlight,” are available now. Book Four, “Betting on Paradise,” comes out in late March.  This is the saga of the...